Pink Bars Are Influencing Hospitality; You Ready?

Pretty pinks have been taking over the world, and now they are forever changing the way we go to bars and restaurants. As pink bars are popping up everywhere you don’t want to be behind on this trend. With Instagram creating a desire to see all things ‘instagrammable’, pink bars have become the perfect photo spot on a Friday night.

As the design world takes some rest and recovery from the years of all grey everything, many are looking to brighter palettes and colour schemes.


The specific shade of pink can affect associations and meanings. A light pink is often viewed as soft, healing, and peaceful, whereas a hot pink might be seen as bold, exciting, and alarming.

Kendra Cherry, Very Well Mind

Pink is known to be a calming colour which is associated with femininity and youth, as well as emulating a sense of playfulness.

The use of bold pink tones will also create a sense of urgency and desire. As well as alleviating any feelings of anger leading to a calmness of emotional energies.

Combinations of pink can create the perfect feminine and playful environment which will be memorable to those who come and visit.

Doll beauty blush
Pink Beauty Vanities at Dolls Beauty HQ.


We have seen the rise of many different shades of pinks, including the infamous millennial pink which has been seen all over and desired by many.

With every bar wanting to have an identity and set out from the rest it is important to ensure that you look at the variety of different pinks available in the market.

Versital has a fair few to choose from:


A classic white marble with swirls of soft pink veins.

Blush pink marble


A soft pink back with strong veins of white and brick red


A rose pink marble with swirls of white and yellow veins.


A beautiful modern salmon pink marble with metallic gold veins

Salmon pink marble with swirls of metallic gold vein


Versital has seen the variety of pinks used in a numbers of ways. A good way to use pink is combining it with other colours such as purples and blues.

Pink themed coffee shop from luxury coffee brand EL & N Soho London
Vibrant pinks at EL&N in London

The barbie dream has also been created by using a multitude of pinks collided together to create the perfect feminine fantasy.

All over pinks at Manuka in Sussex

To create a sense of otherworldly nature the pinks have also been intertwined with bold botanical wallpaper and large plants.

 However, if you are wanting to create a more subdued environment then why not use soft and subtle blush tones in combination with creams and natural lighting.  

Doll beauty blush
A pink salon at Dolls Beauty HQ

Or why not go all out and emphasise the modern look of your venue with neon lights and large swirly fonts decorating the walls.

Style & Grace neon lit sign in Pink themed coffee shop from luxury coffee brand EL & N Soho London
Pops of pink at EL&N in London

Contrasting colours can create a loud look that wants to be heard. This bathroom was decorated with koi contrasting with a lime green colour. Creating a watermelon paradise.

Watermelon dreams with the added touches of green at Rock Water in Hove

If you are not wanting an entirely pink bar why not look at how Ate O’clock managed to add a pop of pink with a Rock N Rose bar.

Make sure you create a pink bar that has a strong identity and is memorable to those who visit.

Get In touch!

To realise your vision with an experienced, expert, British manufacturer, get in touch with Versital today, where we can introduce you to a design advisor and supply you an estimate directly. Speak to us today on 01204 380780 or send us a contact form.

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